Thursday, November 06, 2008

The Marriage Debate Resolved

I start thus: I am an Orthodox Christian who believes that marriage is a religious sacrament ordained by God, as a bond between a man and a woman.  But, to those who support gay rights, don't be turned off yet.  And, to those who are against this initiative, don't rest easy.  I will not say what you think. 

In Christianity the bond of marriage is between one man and one woman.  For other faiths, there may be an allowance for multiple wives.  Yet, that bond is still between male and female.

So, where does an Orthodox (and thus, conservative) Christian fall in this debate?  On the side of religion of course.  But, what does that mean?

Many are up in arms about Proposition 8 in California.  This ballot item was dubbed as an effort to "protect marriage."  The so-called "defense of marriage has been a heated debate.  Here's a clip of the protests:

There is no reason for this argument.  Marriage is a Sacrament of Religion...not of the State.  If we truly want to "protect" marriage we would keep it out of the State and leave it in religion where it belongs.  It is not homosexuality that is destroying marriage.  It is the State, and the fact that we have abdicated that right to the State, that destroys marriage. 

What is the solution?  Abolish all marriage in the eyes of the State.  Change everything to Civil Unions.  There is the equality: heterosexuals would have Civil Unions and homosexuals would have Civil Unions.  Transgenders would be entitled to Civil Unions. 

Then leave marriage to the respective faiths.  Let the individual religious sects and/or denominations decide who will and will not be granted a marriage.  This way, everyone can enjoy Liberty - which is the promise of America, without violating any religious doctrine.

We do not need to be divided by this issue - regardless of our religious (or a religious) beliefs.  We must allow people to respect religion, but we must also allow people to have no religion.  If we disagree with their stance, we should pray for their hearts to be changed - not force them.  But, that's my opinion...what's yours?

I'm keeping my eyes open. May the Lord keep the city, that my watching be not in vain.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

3 Years After Katrina...Already a Distant Memory

On Aug. 29, 2005, the Gulf Coast - and New Orleans in particular - was ravaged by Hurricane Katrina. The low death toll estimate is 1800 people. The high estimate is 4081. It may not be that high...but, I doubt it is as low as the government states. Why would they want us to know how many people perished because of their neglect and ineptitude?

The Jewish Mantra has been - "Never Forget." But, for some reason we (Black people) are quick to forget those atrocities inflicted upon our people. How many TV specials have you seen this week, remembering Hurricane Katrina and her victims? If not for Hurricane Gustav, do you think they would be any talk about Katrina?
Every September 11th, we are reminded of the atrocities of that day. We remember those whose lives were taken on that day. We are encouraged to remain vigilant against those things that led to (and caused) that day.

How many people died on that day? 2752.

2752 is only 952 more than the 1800 low estimate of Katrina deaths. And, 2752 is 1329 less than the 4081 high estimate of Katrina deaths.

The deaths caused by September 11th seemingly came from without. The deaths caused by Katrina - majority of them anyway - seemingly came from within. Against what should we be most vigilant?

Many have said: every great society is destroyed from the inside. Christ said: "it's not that which goes into the body which defileth a man, but that which flows out of the body." In other words, it's not that which attacks us that will destroy us. It's that which we do to ourselves.

And, because of our forgetfulness the Lord has sent Gustav as a reminder. 3 years after Katrina, we are still focused on the speck in our brothers' eye - ignoring the log in our own. Our infrastructure still crumbles, yet we're arguing over how best to strengthen the infrastructure of others. Will it take another 4000 lives?

Wake up - America - before it's too late. I'm keeping my eyes open. May the Lord keep the city, that my watching be not in vain.