Saturday, September 29, 2007

Americans: Where are Your Priorities?

After six months of fundraising, the candidates for president in 2008 have already raised more than $265 million. No presidential money chase has ever started so quickly. By some predictions, the eventual nominees will need to raise $500 million apiece to compete--a record sum. To find out where all this money is coming from, explore the options to the left. The next campaign finance reports are due to the Federal Election Commission by October 15, covering July through September. (See Here)

It's funny that we can raise hundreds of millions - and billions - of dollars for the presidential elections, and cannot find the money to provide healthcare, defeat poverty, end homelessness or solve any of the other social ills plaguing this Country and the world at large. What would really be impressive is if these candidates would accept public funding for their election and turn over all of their private funding to community based organizations.

It begs the question: what are our priorities? Will we feed the hungry, care for the orphans, and shelter the homeless? Or, will we give our money to politicians so they can be elected and ignore the needs of the needy?

I - myself - have given to elections before, but I have to question whether I should be giving in the future. I am compelled to remind you of the words of our Lord:
"...the King will turn to those on the left and say, 'Away with you, you cursed ones, into the eternal fire prepared for the Devil and his demons! For I was hungry, and you didn't feed me. I was thirsty, and you didn't give me anything to drink. I was a stranger, and you didn't invite me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me no clothing. I was sick and in prison, and you didn't visit me.'" (Matt. 25:41-43)
We are the cursed ones, focused on supporting a political system that denies access to those who cannot afford to participate, while we ignore the needs of the needy. $265 million is an outrageous sum of money! We could have done much good with that money. Every homeless person in the Country could have at least one weeks worth of clothing and food for the week. We could have provided healthcare for countless numbers of the uninsured.

We must reset our priorities before it is too late! I'm keeping my eyes open. May the Lord keep the city, that my watching be not in vain.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Log in Our Own Eye - Pt. II

We - Americans - are so busy trying to vilify Iran that we fail to see how we suffer from the same and/or similar ills.

For instance, we debate the issue of homosexuality in Iran - and the persecution of homosexuals. Do we not persecute them here, in America? We accuse Iran of having an environment where homosexuals are forced to live lives of secrecy, or face abuse. Are not homosexuals in America abused? Do they not face a "don't ask, don't tell" policy, which forces those in the military to live lives of secrecy? Did we not just have to extend hate crime protections to cover crimes against homosexuals?

At the U.N. General Assembly today, President Bush spoke of the need of other countries to honor the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Yet, the same declaration requires all nations to promote self-government in its non self-governing territories. In the U.S., non self-governing territories would include the District of Columbia (where the vote was just denied), the U.S. Virgin Islands (where a federal case to assert the full U.S. citizenship rights of Virgin Islanders is being blocked by the Federal Government), Puerto Rico (where numerous assertions for equity have been suppressed), the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, and Guam. So, how can we insist that other nations honor the Universal Declaration of Human Rights when we - ourselves - do no honor that declaration?

My brothers and sisters, the Word of God says "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, tells us to first remove the log from our own eye, then we will see clear to remove the speck from our brother. In other words, we are not without fault. When the Jews accused Mary Magdeline of sin, Christ stepped in an admonished them: "he who is without sin, let him cast the first stone." The adage of old still holds true: if you live in a glass house, you should not throw stones.

America, my beloved Country, we are in danger of toppling. It may be disguised as terror or epidemic, yet we will come to learn - as did the ancient Egyptians - that the hand of our Almighty God is against us. It pains me so, to see my Country blinded by such selfishness, disrespect and hate - May the Lord have mercy upon us!

I'm keeping my eyes open. May the Lord keep the city, that my watching be not in vain.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Are True Christians Filled with Hatred?

I watched and listened to the speech by President Ahmadenejad today. This posting has nothing to do with the content of his speech at Columbia University. It deals with us - Americans - and our character.

I saw with horror, the "angry crowds" (CNN description) of protesters. And, was terrified to see the the association of people who claim to be Christians so charged with anger. Is it the Christian way to be judgmental, or angry, or hateful? Does Christ command us to be full of pride, to be arrogant? Does the Gospel permit us to be rude?

We are the bearers of God's peace. We are the new Israel, the new Jerusalem. We are the Lord's chosen people. What kind of example do we set? Christ said, in Matthew 5:43-48:

"You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.
We must be tax collectors, because we only love those who we know love us. We hate those who we think hate us. We say it is fine to disrespect the President of Iran because of allegations and/or facts about the Iranian regime. As we were told as children, "two wrongs do not make a right."

We must be careful. I'm reading a book by Dr. R.C. Sproul: The Holiness of God. Dr. Sproul speaks of divine justice. In our arrogance, we forget that God demands that we be humble. We are absorbed in our way of life and flirt with danger. We are so arrogant that we forget God's justice. When God shows forth His justice and we reap His wrath, Dr. Sproul reminds us: "It is as if He (God) were saying, 'Be careful. While you enjoy the benefits of my grace, don't forget my justice."

In dealing with the speech of President Ahmadenejad, we must regard it through the lens of Christ; we must first remove the log from our own eye. We reprimand him because of various alleged abuses, yet our Nation has also committed such abuses. We debate over whether the President says that the Holocaust does not exist, yet President Bush could not - and will not - call the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade a crime against humanity. We accuse Iran of preventing all of its citizens from enjoying the benefits of freedom and democracy, yet Washington, D.C., the US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and other U.S. Colonies do not enjoy those benefits.

So, I ask: are we pure enough to judge another?

The media asks: what did his speech today accomplish? I ask: what does our hate accomplish? Where does our tone lead us - if not to war? With the stance we take, do we really expect another result?

The Lord is not smiling at us. We misrepresent the cause of Christ, and He will not tolerate being vilified. We are attempting to pull His Holy Name down to our level, when we should be striving to climb up the ladder of divine ascent. Repent, for the days are short.

I'm keeping my eyes open. May the Lord keep the city, that my watching be not in vain.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

President Bush: I agree - "to Destroy Human Life, in order to Preserve Human Life is Unethical"

In your speech Mr. President, explaining your veto of the stem cell research enhancement bill, you stated that "to destroy human life, in order to preserve human life is unethical." You further stated that it was in fact "immoral." I agree with that statement, and applaud your stance in the face of such opposition.

I hope that in prayer you will see the merits of your statement. For, we destroy human life in Iraq - justifying it by stating that we must do so in order to preserve our lives - our freedom - here in America and in the land of our allies. As you said, "to destroy human life, in order to preserve human life is unethical." Indeed, it is immoral. Your own words convict you and compel you to change course.

I'm keeping my eyes open. May the Lord keep the city, that my watching be not in vain.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

President Bush: Do Not Pardon Scooter Libby; Accept Responsibility for Your Actions

Anyone with reason knows that Scooter Libby is the fall guy in this whole Valarie Plame scandal. And, we know where the buck stops. True, there is nothing we can do if President Bush and Vice President Cheney decide to shift the blame. Yet, we know that they will be held accountable by the Lord. For the sake of their souls, the President should confront his Vice President and direct him to hold himself accountable.

If indeed we are Christian, we must strive to lead by example. Yes, we will fall and do wrong things. Yet, we must confess our sins and change our ways. Mr. President, Mr. Vice President, the Lord has mercy enough for you. Even if the people are upset when you reveal the truth, God will be pleased. In the Grand Scheme, that's all that should matter.

Should Scooter Libby be pardoned? That depends. Does he realize that he was wrong? Is the sentence "too excessive?" That depends. Only God knows how long it will take him to repent. The important thing is that he repent. If Libby is released too early, he may miss his chance to repent and thus miss his blessing. I am more concerned that we all have a chance to enjoy our lives in eternity than enjoyment in this temporal life.

I'm keeping my eyes open. May the Lord keep the city, that my watching be not in vain.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Honor Your Mother and Your Father

Your mother and your father are not simply the ones who gave you birth.

Today, I hear news of another elder care facility here in Washington, DC that is applying to close its doors. With that closure, the City's capacity to take care of its elderly residents would be less than 8%. "They" will cite many reasons to explain and justify this. But, it's quite telling and fits with the theme of gentrification...out with the old, in with the new.

I see the plans to change the demographic of this City. It has been majority Black for too long. So, now the push is to bring in younger and Whiter residents. If we cannot tend to our elders, we'll have to move out to PG County, Maryland (Montgomery County, MD and Northern Virginia are already too expensive). Once that move has occurred, it will make the City more attractive for White folks. The crime will be in PG County.

But, the Lord said to "honor your mother and your father, and it will go well for you." City leadership - whichever ones of you this applies to - your plans are deceptive, and you may profit in the short run, but it will not go well for you. He sees and knows, and He will hold you accountable...if not today, then at the day of your judgment. I'm keeping my eyes open. May the Lord keep the city, that my watching be not in vain.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Faith and Politics Forum: Is it really sincere?

Now, faith is indeed an important thing. And, I do believe that our leaders should - themselves - be led by God, Who is superior to them. Yet, I cannot help but ask: is it sincere if you have to plan a forum where your spirituality is discussed?

Recently, the Democratic front-runners (Clinton, Obama & Edwards) participated in a forum where there were asked about their prayer life, Bible reading, Church going, other matters of faith and how those played into their political decisions. To me it appears a bit contrived. If my faith is sincere, it should speak to you without a special forum. Wherever I am, about whatever I speak, you should be able to conclude that I am a man of faith.

People - do not be deceived - the Democrats have a strategy to demonstrate that the Republicans are not the only Party that goes to Church. Because President Bush wore his faith on his sleeve and that appealed to Bible Belt voters, the Democrats are now working to expose their faith. Many people can say many things, but we shall know them by their fruits. I'm keeping my eyes open. May the Lord keep the city, that my watching be not in vain.